Trees can be used for cooking

An example of the aluminum tree I grew up with

An example of the aluminum tree I grew up with

When we were kids, we did not have a real Christmas tree. We had this bright, shiny silver aluminum tree.  I never understood the phrase “aluminum” for the giant, silver shiny giant tree-monster that was almost so tall that it could’ve demanded a sacrifice.  Aluminum to me as a kid always referred to the amazingly delicious (and potentially intestinal damaging) TV dinners that awaited me after school.  I did not know that trees can be used for cooking.  I would often look at the tree and think of the delicious man-made tomato meatloaf that waited for me with the rolling back of pre-homework foil.

Top 5 Reasons East Chicago has Potholes

My city is known for many things – culture, history, Black Parakeets and potholes.  No, more like graves that would eat any man, woman or tire alive.  So why is East Chicago so full of the car-killing street craters?  Here’s the Top 5 Reasons why – 

ImageREASON #5 – Secret energy plot, drilling for oil on Cline Avenue

REASON #4 – Hiding evidence

REASON #3 – Stopping the zombie invasion from  Hammond

REASON #2 – Proving we really do need MORE concrete!

And the number one reason East Chicago has potholes – Preparing for the zombie invasion from the Harbor!